Best Physiotherapy for Sports Injury in Chandigarh

Best Physiotherapy for Sports Injury in Chandigarh: Sports injuries occur while participating in organised sports, competitions, training sessions or organised fitness activities.

According to the IOC manual of sports injuries (2012) a sports injury may be defined as “damage to the tissues of the body that occurs as a result of sport or exercise.” Overtraining, lack of conditioning, and inappropriate technique of performing a certain task leads to sport injuries.

Neglecting to warm up prior to exercising or playing any physical sports also increases the risk of injuries.Common high-injury risk sports are football or soccer, basketball, cricket, volleyball, skiing and tennis. Sports injuries result from acute trauma or repetitive stress associated with athletic activities; and can affect bones, soft tissues (ligaments, muscles and tendons) or other organs like the heart, lungs and eyes. Contact Dr Priyanka’s New Life Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic for Best Physiotherapy for Sports Injury in Chandigarh


Achilles Tendinitis




Groin Strain


Shin Splints


Lower Back Strain


Pulled Muscle


Tennis/ Golfers Elbow